
Monday, November 11, 2013

Tropical Smoothie recipes

When we delve into the realm of tropical fruit smoothies, the accolades we can give them are endless. This is because they are made from so many different types of great tropical fruits each having its own set of culinary gifts. A majority of these tropical fruits will be very sweet but even those that are not sweet have their own strengths to bring to the table in terms of flavor, color, consistency and nutritional values.

It is imperative however, to make sure that when picking out which tropical fruits to put into your mixed fruit smoothie, you first consider the nutritional values and then you can be picky about all the other factors.

How Do I Choose The Tropical Fruits To Put In a Tropical Smoothie?

When choosing the tropical fruits that are going to go into your smoothie, try to combine them in a manner that gets you the most nutrients possible. You do not have to put as many fruits into the smoothie as possible. You can make a different combination every single time you make a mixed fruit smoothie so as to make sure you are covering all bases.

For example, our bodies cannot make vitamin C but it is vital to boosting our immune system. One of the biggest sources of Vitamin C is an orange. However, there are very many other tropical fruits that contain Vitamin C. if you are going to make a papaya smoothie for example, it is not really necessary to include oranges as papayas already contain Vitamin C. if you are going to make an orange smoothie, it contains vitamin C but it does not have any vitamin K which is essential for the formation of blood. Vitamin k can be found in blackberries so it would make sense to throw in some blackberries into the orange smoothie. Not all combinations will work all the time flavor-wise but the essence of a smoothie is to get as much nutritional value in a glass as possible. This will therefore require that you slowly but surely educate yourself on what tropical fruits contain what nutrients you really need. It is as simple as looking at the fruits you have at your disposal and searching the internet for which fruit has what nutrients and then combining them to your benefit.

What are some Good Tropical Fruit Smoothie Recipes to Use?

The list of tropical fruit smoothie recipes is endless as there are so many fruits one can use in a varied number of combinations. Here are a couple recipes you can try:

Sonny Martin tropical Fruit Smoothie

Half a can of pineapple
1 cup chopped papaya
1 chopped mango
1 sliced banana
2 tablespoons of coconut cream
2 tablespoons of honey
Vanilla essence
1 cup yogurt
Crushed ice
Put in all the ingredients except for the crushed ice into the blender and blend. When you reach a smooth consistency, add in the ice while you blend.

Mango, Papaya & Strawberry Tropical Fruit smoothie

1 sliced mango
1 sliced papaya
1 Cup strawberries
½ cup orange juice
6 ice cubes
Put all ingredients into a blender and blend till smooth

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